In this difficult time, it’s important that parents with young children get the support that they need.
For parents of children aged 0-6, there’s a new free application from UNICEF called Bebbo.
Bebbo, developed by UNICEF, is designed to lend a helping hand to parents.
- Bebbo offers parenting tips and other useful resources for parents and caregivers of children aged 0-6 years old.
- It includes help and resources about topics such as: breastfeeding and breast pumps, baby weaning, learning, toys, childhood vaccination, child protection and many other topics and tips about useful resources.
From the moment your baby is born, to the first day of school, Bebbo offers the most complete set of information about young children and parenting.;
With Bebbo you get:
- Easy navigation between multiple child profiles and advice tailored to each child’s age.
- Easy to follow videos and expert support for each stage of your child’s development.
- Personalized ‘learning through play’ activities and games that support different critical areas of development, including cognition, languages, motor skills, and social-emotional growth.
- Expert advice on early learning, health, nutrition, caregiving, and safety.
Bebbo has interactive tools to make parenting easier:
Additional resources for parents include: