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Your safety and the safety of your child is a priority. Vaccines are the best way to prevent dangerous diseases. Do not postpone vaccinating your child.

Dangerous viruses and bacteria circulate easier and faster in overcrowded and confined spaces.

In the current emergency situation, with the high influx of people arriving in reception centers and in communities that may have low vaccination coverage, it becomes extremely critical to prevent infection and outbreaks that may put children at risk of severe illness and even death. If possible, before traveling, vaccinate your child.

While abroad, you should follow the national immunization schedule of your host country. In most of the countries in the EU children must be vaccinated prior to enrolling in school or childcare.

You can check which vaccinations are mandatory by selecting the country you would like to know more about on the European CDC website.

In the current emergency, vaccination against measles and polio are particularly important and recommended to all children who have not been fully vaccinated or cannot prove they have been fully vaccinated.

It is also essential to give your child any vaccine they may have missed, particularly against Diphtheria and Tetanus, and continue vaccinating them with all the vaccine doses recommended for their age. When a child misses or delays vaccination, they remain at risk of serious infections.

It is Important to Remember!  
  • If your child misses a vaccination, reach out to a health service nearby to vaccinate and protect them against dangerous diseases. The longer you wait, the longer your child remains unprotected and at risk of serious infections.  
  • Different vaccines can be administered on the same day. This is common international practice and an effective way to protect your children in time.  
  • If you have any questions about the vaccines recommended for your child, discuss them with a health professional.

  • Vaccination does not require preparation: you should not change your usual lifestyle, follow a diet, undergo additional medical examinations, or take medication. In addition, a blood test, urine test, "immunogram" are not required. Neither the orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine nor the international recommendations indicate any additional examinations.

    Bebbo App

    Explore the Bebbo app from UNICEF, it is your pocket partner in parenthood. Bebbo offers a wide range of parenting tips and other useful resources for parents and caregivers of children aged 0-6 years old, including the Bebbo Vaccination Tracker. It’s available in multiple languages, including Ukrainian. It is free to use and you can download it on Google PlayStore / Apple AppStore.

    More about Bebbo.

    Additional Resources.png

    For more information on vaccines and immunization overall, visit UNICEF’s website.
