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In order to improve the emotional state of parents and children after moving to another country, psychologists advise returning to the routine tasks that were performed at home. If the child has already forgotten his or her good habits or has not yet mastered them, parents should pay attention and support the children to practice healthy and good habits. You should talk and demonstrate to children about hygiene, healthy feeding, and proper daily routines in a language they understand - the language of play, engagement and entertainment. This will make the learning process easy for parents and fun for children and family.


All routine hygiene habits are especially important for children of preschool and primary school age, as their observance is the prevention of diseases.  

  • Children's personal hygiene includes a daily set of body care procedures.
  • It is also important to teach your child to other care routines such as keeping their things tidy (for example, keeping their clothes folded, their rooms near, and doing their dishes)
  • Resource: «Cleanliness Rescuers» will help teach children to take care of personal hygiene and tidiness in the house and clothes. The rescue animals will introduce kids to different planets (washing, brushing teeth, washing hands, washing dishes, clean towels, washing clothes, cleaning the house) so that they learn new skills and practice daily.
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On the site, parents or caregivers can read a description of the planet with their child and memorize the new practice. After that, they can check their child's learning with an animated test. And then play a game and color a coloring page. After completing all the tasks, each child will receive a «Cleanliness Savior Certificate».

Healthy feeding and daily routine  

In a new country, the diet may be different from what your child is used to, but in any case, you should follow the good practice of healthy feeding.  

  • A proper daily routine and a balanced diet will help your child feel calmer, happier, and more energetic.
  • The most important tasks are to master the practice of adequate and healthy feeding, good daily routine and familiarize themselves with the variety of healthy foods.
  • Resource: The comic game «Lelya and Severin's Daily Habits» will help parents explain to their child the importance of walking and physical activity, the need to use a cell phone carefully, especially before bed, eat right and rest regularly.
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The comic tells the story of a day in the life of two schoolchildren. They act differently and have different habits. Young readers learn the story and analyze the characters' choices: whether they benefit or harm them. With the help of the comic book, parents and caregivers can help their children better understand what are good habits they need themselves.

Online Resources via Spilnoteka  

Here you can find a catalog of digital and printed materials on safety, nutrition, health and hygiene, psychological and social support, etc.  

The interactive materials collected in Spilnoteka, an online resource that contains dozens of informational materials on physical and mental health, nutrition, education, and development of children aged 3 to 18, can help. The site offers online games, comics, coloring books, and other materials that will turn children's learning into an exciting adventure.

In Spilnoteka you will find even more materials and tools for child development from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Ukraine. Brochures, leaflets, comics, coloring books, workbooks, games, cartoons and books - users can choose the material in any format: download and continue to use the electronic version or print them out.

You can find information a website in Spilnoteka using filters: by topic (vaccination, hygiene, etc.), type (game, website, cartoons), and audience (information for children or adults).

Bebbo App

Explore the Bebbo app from UNICEF, it is your pocket partner in parenthood. Bebbo offers a wide range of parenting tips and other useful resources for parents and caregivers of children aged 0-6 years old. It’s available in multiple languages, including Ukrainian. It is free to use and you can download it on Google PlayStore / Apple AppStore.

More about Bebbo.

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