22_New born care in emergencies.png


  • Keep the low-weight infant warm at home. Keep the room warm (at least 25°C) with a home heating device, and make sure there is no draught of cold air.
  • Keep the young infant in the same bed as the mother.
  • Avoid bathing the low-weight infant. When washing or bathing the infant, do it in a very warm room with warm water, dry immediately and thoroughly after bathing, and clothe the young infant immediately.
  • Change clothes (e.g. nappies) whenever they are wet.
  • Provide skin-to-skin contact as much as possible, day and night.

For Skin-to-Skin Contact:  
  • Dress the infant in a warm shirt open at the front, a nappy, hat and socks.  
  • Place the infant in skin-to-skin contact between the mother’s breasts. Keep the infant’s head turned to one side.  
  • Cover the infant with the mother’s clothes (and an additional warm blanket in cold weather).

    • When the infant is not in skin-to-skin contact, keep him or her clothed or covered as much as possible at all times. Dress the young infant in extra clothing, including a hat and socks, loosely wrap in a soft dry cloth, and cover with a blanket.
    • Check frequently if the hands and feet are warm. If they are cold, re-warm the infant by skin-to-skin contact.
    • Breastfeed (or give expressed breastmilk by cup) the infant frequently.
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